Renowned for her strategic and pragmatic legal counsel, Luisa is highly respected for her leading expertise across all facets of Workplace Health and Safety (WHS).
Luisa works collaboratively with clients to understand their unique environmental and operational complexities, proactively addressing health and safety challenges. Her clients include government departments, independent schools, large construction firms, major supermarket chains, and businesses in the oil and gas, transport, manufacturing, rail, and logistics sectors based in Australia and overseas.
Luisa regularly conducts WHS training assisting organisations to achieve safety compliance and implement improvements, from employee level to senior management, boards and executive teams.
Luisa takes a systematic approach to risk management, evaluating existing WHS management systems against evolving standards and legislation. She makes tiered recommendations to guide employers on how to establish safer working environments and ensure ongoing compliance.
- WHS management system reviews
- Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) audits
- Responding to notices issued by a WHS regulator
- Policy and process development
- Compliance training
Luisa works proactively with agents and regulators to secure early resolutions, ensuring her clients’ interests are protected while seeking fair and favourable outcomes.
- Workplace investigations
- Workers’ compensation claims
- Termination disputes
- Bullying and harassment complaints
Luisa is available 24/7 to assist employers responding to a serious incident at work. She offers expert guidance and support in high pressure situations, guiding her clients through the immediate aftermath, as well as any longer-term ramifications.
- Incident reporting
- Safety prosecutions
- Future control measures
- Regulatory enquiries
- Coronial inquests